Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Raising a Toast to some of the best banquet halls in Goa

5 Star Resorts in Goa
Goa is seriously a paradise for those in love. There are secluded beaches all around, lovely sceneries to take in, fresh air to breathe in, and of course, delicious dishes to try. Isn’t it great how Goa seemingly molds itself around the visitor? As in whatever you want, you can probably find here! Peach and quiet or a rave style party into the night! I recently found myself part of a wedding party here. One of my closest cousins was getting married.

A destinations wedding of sorts, all the rage this season! He booked one of the best banquet halls in Goa and it turned out to be a stupendous event. Not only were the bride and groom looking resplendent in their wedding finery, but the resort they had the event at was equally dazzling. It was one of the most famed luxury resorts in Goa, known as Royal Orchid, and what a royal treatment they gave us. Liveried waiters and servers scurried around, food in hand, beverages on the offer, eager to help any and all wedding guests at the drop of a hat. Such awesome hospitality I have never seen, at least not in the hotels in India. There were dedicated event managers, who were constantly on the fly, straightening out last minute issues, welcoming guests, arranging the food. There was absolutely nothing that we could complain about, not at all. I would love to come back here with my family, for a restful trip.